on my way Backpacking, roadtripping and travelling the world


Germany, Italy, Poland, Friends and Family

Ten days - much too short. Can't believe that my visit in Europe is already over. After two days in the plane I will be back at uni and study again.

After my arrival in Germany early in the morning I had a nice Sunday brunch with my parents. Technologies like Skype, Email or mobile phones are great inventions that allow us nowadays to keep in touch without any problems. But all this still cannot replace a real hug.
After this relaxed brunch I had to unpack my bag and to pack some stuff for the wedding week in Italy - suite, shirt, tie, nice shoes and boarder shorts and a towel. That's all I really needed in the week on the vineyard in San Vito. After a nice all day drive through the swiss Alps we arrived at 30 degrees celsius and were welcome by a BBQ - almost as in Australia :-)
In the following days more an more friend arrived and we spent a beautiful week waiting for the best part to come: the wedding ceremony and party on Friday. Not only on Friday, as well the one or other day before we partied till sunrise, so the Saturday was a great opportunity to recharge for the drive back on Sunday.

On Monday then I spent all day in Stuttgart to meet with the ones I didn't meet in Tuscany. It felt good to be back especially with 34 degrees celsius :-D Sitting in the "Schlosspark", eating ice-cream at "Eugensplatz" and finally having some dinner at "Hans-Im-Glück-Brunnen"; just for a visit of top of Stuttgart, the "Fernsehturm", there was no time left.
The last three days I spent in Warsaw visiting my Grandma. Luckily it wasn't as hot as in Stuttgart, so the big city was quite bearable. We talked as much as time permitted and I tried to help wherever I could. Sometime it's good to have a good handyman in your family - even if he is in Australia ;-)

Now I'm already in the train back to Frankfurt and will have a 10 hours stopover in Bangkok before I arrive in Brisbane. Looking forward to some good Thai food from on the stress food stalls and a hopefully relaxing thai-massage - on Marina's advice I will have a first try ;-) (PS: and it was good!)

See you in Brisbane

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